Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Staying in Galveston another six weeks.

I miss Utah rain. I miss the smell. It rains here all the time. But we don't have a very good warning for rain. For one, missionaries can't listen to the weather, or read the newspaper for the weather, so we get our weekly weather report from Bob, a recent convert. He's awesome. I'm gonna miss him a lot.(I'll explain later.) So it could be sunny here and five minutes later, pour rain and then be sunny again. And the smell doesn't change. Neither does the temperature. In fact it gets hotter. But lately it's been nice. A cold front has come through, cut down on the humidity.
Every time we go to an investigators house, i'm always the one playing with the kids, if they have some. It's actually a lot of fun. But weird at the same time. Especially if they're like 3 and speak both spanish and english already.

Conference was awesome wasn't it? We had an investigator go to a saturday session and he loved it!! We were supposed to have a couple other people come but they ditched out. It's a shame. It's not every day we get the opportunity to hear from a prophet of God.
Haha you liked my call to Kasey? Good. Unfortunately it didn't work. Dang it. She was supposed to show up to conference as well, but of course she didn't. She's now saying she thinks she wants to wait to be baptized with the father of her children, which would be all fine and dandy if we were teaching him, and we would love to teach him, except... he's in jail right now. About to get out though... I'm worried about her for multiple reasons.
I killed Elder Drees. Or in other words, he goes home today. He plane leaves in like 2 hours. So we took him to Sugar land yesterday, and now i'm in a trio until my new comp tomorrow. And they're also splitting up my area into english and spanish, so i'll be a spanish only missionary, which stinks because then i technically can't go visit bob anymore or kasey... Or roy. So that stinks...I'll be here at least another six weeks.
Um.. shoot. I gotta go. We gotta leave soon. The sisters need to be somewhere at noon. And i still need to email the president. Love you all.

Yep, he has that Johnson Blood, bluntness and all.

We had baptism's scheduled, but unfortunately, they fell through. One of them tried to drop us, Maria, but we've got her reeled back in. Her thing was about the temple and the fact she wouldn't be able to go in for a year after she gets baptized. And Kasey, well Kasey's Kasey. We finally met with her again, and she wants to get baptized, but we hadn't taught her about the word of wisdom, and she doesn't necessarily like the fact about no alcohol. She can do it, but she's not happy about it. She was supposed to go to church on sunday, and when we called her saturday night, she said "Oh shoot. I can't go tomorrow. It's the Cowboy's and Texan's game. And i just bought a new bottle of Smirnoff" So after Elder Drees got off the phone with her, and told me about the alcohol, I called her back up and said "What the flip you buying alcohol for?!"
Her "For the game."
     Me "So? That's the worse excuse i've ever heard."
"But I want it for the game"
     "Yeah but you also want to get baptized, right?"
"Well yeah. But it's the game."
     "Would you want your kids drinking it."
"No, But that's why there's the age limit."
Needless to say, she didn't dump it down the drain like I told her to. But it was funny. Elder Drees said "I can't do that. I'm not straight forward like that. You can. If i did that to her. She'd probably cry. But just because of your accent, she likes you better. So you can pull that off." BTW, my accent's gotten thicker since i left. Being around all these Texans doesn't help.

I wanted to reply to everything, but i don't have time. I need to email President and give him the rundown of this week.
I love you all.